Bagger's Life Swiss 500 miles 2024 - Switzerland

The challenge

The swiss500miles is a ride in Switzerland over a distance of 500miles (805km) within 24 hours.

After the registration and the prologue, the ride starts at an unknown location on a Saturday afternoon and ends after max. 24 hours on Sunday afternoon.

At the start and at every checkpoint you will get a road book which will guide you to the next checkpoint.

The required road book from one check point to the other you will only receiveonce you found the next checkpoint as described in the road book.

The swiss500miles can be driven solo or in individual arranged groups.

A Swiss roadmap may come handy!

Material wise just the swiss500miles 2024 pin.

But an exceptional experience, like riding on unknown roads by day and night, test your stamina, sharing your passion with several hundred riders, and finally endless stories to be told amongst your riding buddy’s.

However, only those participants completing the ride and arriving back in due time will obtain the swiss500miles 2024 pin as a remembrance.

Participants who pass the swiss500miles for the 5th, 10th or even 15th time in 2024 will also receive the respective special pin!

Bagger's Life Swiss 500 miles 2024 - Switzerland

2024 Road Map

Every year the roadmap changes and it’s unknown until the following checkpoint.

This is this is what we have ridden!
