The ride

When: 30th July 2022

How long: 21 days

From: Lugano (Switzerland)

Destination: North Cape (Norway)

Km: 10’513km for the round trip

Countries: 13

European capitals: 9

Breathtaking Points Of Interest: Uncountable

Bagger's Life - Ride to North Cape


When you decide to leave alone for a journey of over 10’000km with destination the northernmost point of Europe, it means taking into account unexpected events, unfavorable weather, even very long stages, wake up at 3 am, tiredness and pain. But do we really care? No! For me it was just the unforgettable and memorable part that I expected to experience that prompted me to plan, leave and keep the schedule that I had prepared from the very first moment when, in February, I looked at the map of Europe and I said to myself “I want to go up there”.
Many have gone there and, after having this experience, I hope that many others will leave for this adventure – so I said to myself “how can I make it unforgettable?”
I have a page on Instagram @baggerslife with almost 10,000 followers – of which the vast majority have never met in person – I started involving them, asking for advice and inviting them to contact me for a ride or even just for a beer together when I was passing through the their city. Even I could not believe how many came forward and, believe me, the journey has turned into something magical.
After 10,513km, 13 countries, 9 capitals, an enormous number of cities and villages and an infinity of breathtaking views, lots of water and many many followers I met on the street, I returned to Lugano. Where it all started 21 days earlier.